Thursday, March 22, 2012


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"The ancient Pharisees, in spite of their zealous devotion to religion, were of the very essence of the world. The spiritual principles upon which they built their system were drawn not from above but from below. They employed against Jesus the tactics of men. They bribed men to tell lies in defense of truth. To defend God they acted like devils. To support the Bible they defied the teachings of the Bible. They scuttled religion to save religion. They gave rein to blind hate in the na
me of the religion of love. There we see the world in all of its grim defiance of God. So fierce was this spirit that it never rested till it had put to death the Son of God Himself. The spirit of the Pharisees was actively and maliciously hostile to the Spirit of Jesus as each was a kind of distillation of the two worlds from whence they came."

~God's Pursuit of Man by A.W. Tozer

A Word in Season. Dr. A.W. Tozer

I think I'll let Dr. Tozer tell it like it is. He's with the Lord now and was obviously much older and wiser than I. Oh that some would grasp what he has to say and put away arrogance, pride, and the thankless attitudes that often accompany this Phariseeical spirit. The blind hate is very common in the Phariseeical spirit today we have found. It's the same warped hate that put Christ on the cross. If your children are more interested in pet doctrine than a personal relationship with Jesus - beware.

But the Pharisees said, He casteth out devils through the prince of the devils. ~Matthew 9:34

Have a JESUS filled week,
Love in Him, ~Amelia

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