Friday, May 31, 2013

Checking In

loading ... ~Photo by Robert Stock

Hello Everyone, Just dropping a line to let you know I am mostly blogging at My Forest Cathedral for anyone who may be interested.  I may still post specials from time to time here of course and possibly the same specials will be at My Forest Cathedral too as the Lord leads.

You may ask:  How did you end up with three blogs?

This blog was started from our homeschool workshop we shared at for many years.  Thats_Italian was a spring from my xanga blog...and then the Lord has wonderfully moved us back to the country, where My Forest Cathedral blog is a journal of my journey there, my life in general which really includes all three of the above because it's my life!  Three in one! : ) 

Thank you for understanding!  I'll have the coffee on!

Love to All, I appreciate all who read here. Bless you!  ~amelia

Saturday, May 11, 2013


The Right Choice....

A MUST SEE Video. SEE IT HERE. Only seven and a half minutes long...I watched this last night as we had a huge torrential rain storm, hail was hitting the windows loudly as I've never heard before, but this video stood above it all.

Please pause my site music at bottom of page.  Thank you.

See this beautiful video for yourself...

For complete article from Life News you can see here: Video of Mommy Rejecting Abortion Thrills Facebook

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Must See Movie: "Gifted Hands the Ben Carson Story"

I'm watching this movie right now for the second time and it's touching some of my heartstrings for so many, many reasons.

Dr. Ben Carson is a modern day hero.  See this modern true inspiring will not be sorry!  Our entire family was glued to this movie. 
Oh God, give us more Dr. Ben Carsons!
I have found this great movie here on Amazon and here at

There are a few scenes in the operating room that may be a bit much for anyone weak kneed or for young children so be ready for that.   

The operating room scenes were just so emotional to me. Classical music was, is played by Dr. Carson in the operating room from what the movie portrays....These scenes are epic.
Dr. Carson holds his scrubbed hands up in one scene as he prays:  "Thy will be done" as he prepares to operate on a patient for the first time as he risks discipline...but saves a life.

This young man and now middle aged man is a true inspiration for our family.  He came from humble beginnings and I guarantee, you too will be inspired! If you are facing adversity you should be encouraged by this true modern story and how God is using this man even of late.

Praying for our country, so much going on.  Just so much.  

Love to All in Christ Jesus my Lord,    ~Amelia

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Kermit Gosnell: It's Time to Speak Up!

I was going to post a nice entry on another blog, a very sweet sunny entry.  I read the following article once again and I cannot post one more thing without posting these articles as I see them.  I've covered Gosnell's grand jury report back in '11 and it's finally reckoning time for Gosnell but most of our networks are giving it 0 time.  Yes. The culture of death is that extreme to ignore murders of little babies.

I will be putting up articles as I see them. is a very good source by the way.

As you hear the music play here, you may recognize it as themes to To Kill a Mockingbird by Elmer Bernstein. These themes, one of them called Guilty Verdict represent the trial, the unjust trial of Tom Robinson. In this country at present we have unborn babies also unjustly sentenced to death.

What is going on in the country I do not understand. People who used to be so careful with their music that they wouldn't even compose a song with a beat, families who wouldn't even have a television now going to movies with sexual imagery?  I'm sorry if these people were legalistic but this is no time to swerve from the Lord's sweet ways! Holiness is not legalism! True convictions come from knowing the Lord and spending time with Him.   Maybe that was the problem with some of these families? They didn't spend time with the Lord and were only going with the herd.

There are little animals being tortured in our country, a report of a man cutting a sweet beagle's stomach with a box cutter and gleefully watched it's intestines fall out as the dog ran screaming.

Institutionalized factory farming, live animals being hung and cut etc. And people eat this meat everyday, they wear the skins everyday of these tortured creatures!  These are GOD's creatures!  I personally refuse to give one cent to any of this or wear it. Dairy? The poor dairy cows are treated just as badly if not worse.  I've always been sensitive to this and now things have come to a clear conscience with instructions from the Lord as to have nothing to do with it but to speak out against the darkness.

And THIS is going on: screaming little babies being murdered, beheaded.  It's horrible, it's been horrible!  Little babies!

It's time we speak up and stop playing church, it's time we at least show a little grief.  I've almost gotten to the point where I resent the way most churches and their members play church.  Their seeming lack of care, it bothers me, it grieves me, people more interested in stacking b-bs for a church prize of some kind, or perhaps some consumed with their checking accounts.  I'm sorry if I sound bitter, I'm not, I just don't understand the apathy and it hurts my heart because I know something is wrong.  Very wrong. ...And it hurts the Lord's Heart.

Oh Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus.

I will be prayerfully adding, posting articles here that may be very hard to read as the days go by.  I'm sorry if it is disturbing. But it must be posted.  As my daughter Mar said when people hold their ears not wanting to hear what even innocent animals go through....

Ignoring any of these horrors will not make it go away

May we keep our homes those sweet places for our families and be deep in prayers.  May we have real homes where our children will know they had that freedom of love, creativity, and love for God coupled with great mercy. And God forbid sterile house-beautiful atmospheres, children don't need a museum they need a home! Only the sweet spirit of the Lord will provide this if He is allowed to prevail.  Let's be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and guard against the spirit of the World. Guard against it!  

Many things should not be labeled liberal or conservative. Many things are either something God loves or hates no matter which side picks up on it.

Hands that shed innocent blood is one of the seven things God hates!  Proverbs 6:17 

You may be interested in my Pinterest board on the subject of the Unborn  and other causes as well as in God's Creatures on my other Pinterest boards.

I post this entry with urgency. Urgency for the Innocents, the Church; the real Church, urgency for the family and our country.

Without further ado.

Witness in Gosnell murder trial testifies she heard one baby screaming.

ARTICLE: Witness in Gosnell murder trial testifies she heard one baby "screaming" after child aborted but delivered alive.

"Infant beheadings. Severed baby feet in jars. A child screaming after it was delivered alive during an abortion procedure. Haven't heard about these sickening accusations?
It's not your fault. Since the murder trial of Pennsylvania abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell began March 18, there has been precious little coverage of the case that should be on every news show and front page. The revolting revelations of Gosnell's former staff, who have been testifying to what they witnessed and did during late-term abortions, should shock anyone with a heart."

That’s not what two staffers for Gosnell admitted in court — with one saying she heard a baby scream and another saying the baby “jumped” when the newborn was stabbed in the neck with the scissors.

Kermit Gosnell Drugged, Tied Up Woman Before Forced Abortion

She also told AP she doesn’t know if Gosnell killed her child in the abortion or in the snipping technique he used to killed babies shortly after birth.

“Did he do that to mine? Did he stab him in the neck?” Johnson asked at her North Philadelphia home. “Because I was out of it. I don’t know what he did to my baby.”

The Story You May Not Have Heard (Warning: Graphic Reading)

 "If I told you that in a small building, in a major metropolitan city, within a state of these United States of America there were over 100 children born into this world and then summarily executed, would you expect there to be a national outcry?"


The Kermit Gosnell case becomes more horrifying by the minute. But we need to remember that every single abortion is just as horrifying. Killing a baby after she's born is the same as killing her before she's born.
(read our blog about the Gosnell case here:

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Gossip - Remember Me?

loading ...  Photo by Robert Stock

 I found an old yellowed Ann Landers newspaper clipping on my bedroom floor, it had fallen out of a keepsake box.  I hope you will be challenged or comforted by this old Ann Landers column on gossip.  Even the Bible equates gossip with murder because it ruins a reputation and plants doubts or preconceived notions in others' minds many times about an innocent person. Whether you are the person gossiped about or the bystander hearing a loved one being gossiped about the pain can be irreversible.

Dear Ann Landers:  A few years ago you printed an insightful piece about gossip and the damage it can do.  A great many people need to be reminded.  Would you please print it again?
- Watertown, Wis.

Dear Watertown:  I agree.  Here it is.  Thanks for asking.

Gossip - Remember Me?

My name is Gossip.  I have no respect for justice.

I maim without killing.  I break hearts and ruin lives.

I am cunning and malicious and gather strength with age.

The more I am quoted, the more I am believed.

I flourish at every level of society.

My victims are helpless.  They cannot protect themselves against me because I have no name and no face.

To track me down is impossible.  The harder you try, the more elusive I become.

I am nobody's friend.

Once I tarnish a reputation, it is never the same.

I topple governments and wreck marriages.

I make innocent people cry in their pillows.

My name is Gossip.

From an Ann Landers newspaper column

Saturday, February 16, 2013

'Lena' - Wow, What a Book!

Every now and then we come across one of those books, one of those books we underline in...One of those books we buy for gifts for our youth and loved ones....We want the truths, the poignancies to minister to them too!  We want our friends and family to meet our new friend! 

This is one of those books:  Lena by Margaret Jensen, also the author of 'First We Have Coffee'

If you are raising children or youth, praying for adult children?  Are you a human being? ; )  Read this book!  If you are a youth or adult, this is a great suggested read for life.  You will meet a true Saint of God....Lena.  If you are a grandparent?  Great read.  It's a great read and my copy is underlined up a storm!  I know of families that have wayward youth or young adult children.  You will be encouraged and challenged to move forward in those prayers. Feeling discontent?  Read on...Lena has encouragements galore! You will be sooooo blessed friends.  Lena is a gem. You will want to just give her a big ol' bear hug!!!

I bought copies for our girls for Christmas and  both Lea & Marianna have their copies underlined already.  The quotes will be keepers I assure  you!  : )

Here is an excerpt I would like to share:

     Laughingly Lena answered,  "Oh but that tree do talk.  It say, 'Lena, just stand where God put you, like I do.  I don't fret and carry on to be a tall pine.  I just be standing here, unshakable, unmovable, a shelter in the storm, and a shade in the heat.'  Then I tell myself, 'Lena just be-just be abounding in the work of the Lord.   Do your work as unto the Lord, for God sees the heart and is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him.'  That tree be talking, Nurse Jensen, and I talk back.  I say, 'God planted you outside my kitchen, and He planted me inside this kitchen.'  We just stand praising the Lord together."

I hope you enjoy the book Lena, as much as our family has.  I read excerpts at many a dinner table!  I just know you will be blessed. : )

Here are some photos I thought you might enjoy of some of our daughters and most sweet friends, I snatched these from our daughter, Marianna's blog:

Three of our daughters, Rebecca, Lea, Marianna, and sweet friends, Lars and Elisabeth Elliot Gren at a friend's wedding reception.  I love Elisabeth, she is true blue. She is getting older now... I hold on to postcards she sent me years ago when I was on bedrest with Rebecca...You see, I had requested prayer from her and she so kindly responded in prayers and sisterly comfort, not to mention that of a spiritual mother to me.  She read one of my letters on the air one morning and tears streamed down my face...  I love Elisabeth. Lars has been ever so kind as well to my daughters.  There aren't many like them anymore friends...Oh that someone would carry that torch. May just a slice be in me.  Please Lord allow me to be an encouragement to moms or anyone as I desire to be encouraged.

Our dds, Lea, Rebecca, Marianna, precious friends & sisters; Sarah & Hannah (just love these girls).. and dd Michelle.  What a neat time in the Lord they all had!

Well that's a slice of life today. I hope you enjoy the book. It's a keeper!

God bless you all,  your sister in Christ, a fellow sojourner on this earth.  As the older Italian women used to say... Hang on to that rope!   In my words? Hang on to your godly and sweet convictions. : )

~So much love to you all in Christ,    ~Amelia