Friday, April 27, 2012

So They Call Us Extreme? Different? They Will be Right. : )

loading ... ~Robert Stock

"The church's mightiest influence is felt when she is different from the world in which she lives. Her power lies in her being different, rises with the degree in which she differs and sinks as the difference diminishes.

This is so fully and clearly taught in the Scriptures and so well illustrated in Church history that it is hard to see how we can miss it. But miss it we do, for we hear constantly that the Church must try to be as much like the world as possible, excepting, of course, where the world is too, too sinful....

Let us plant ourselves on the hill of Zion and invite the world to come over to us, but never under any circumstances will we go over to them. The cross is the symbol of Christianity, and the cross speaks of death and separation, never of compromise. No one ever compromised with a cross. The cross separated between the dead and the living. The timid and the fearful will cry "Extreme!" and they will be right. The cross is the essence of all that is extreme and final. The message of Christ is a call across a gulf from death to life, from sin to righteousness and from Satan to God."

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. ~Corinthians 6:17

A.W. Tozer ~The Set of the Sail

I read this, this morning and thought it was so good. It's true, the church has let darkness in instead of Light out.

How sad to see what has happened and what is accepted now. But do we shun others who are not exactly like us? Of course not. That would not be the character of Christ at all and sure enough the enemy loves to use this sectarian tool in churches and it does hurt families. Many times this is not the case though. It has been our experience that many churches today will shun the holy and sweet, they are so very concerned about their idea of success, numbers and programs. It's always interesting to me when I visit other blogs, those who are supposed to be so very tolerant when in reality they are very intolerant of those who claim the name of Jesus.

What are we to do when many times churches are either extreme? Pray saints pray. Show love to others, love God and hate sin. Stop the church politics and people pleasing in either camp, it's not about who wins the b-b stacking contest at camp, it's about inviting the new family to eat at your table for pity's sake. Live your life sweetly in a very real way, (it's the only way!).. use actions to love others, live it out with wisdom and discernment. Use words to love and appreciate when necessary. ; ) If we homeschool let's make sure we are teaching our children and youth godly character not just the academics. I'm afraid many a young person is going a very wrong direction spiritually with academic accolades. It's no good to go to hell with a straight A grade average.

If children or youth see you being selfish and cliquish? Respecters of persons? Thankless? Guess what, chances are they will be that way too for the most part. If they see you addicted to busyness? Guess what, chances are they will live lives of busyness too. Being under Satans yoke.

Please see the below sermon on yesterday's entry. It's such an encouraging, appropriate and challenging message for today! : )

Love in Christ, ~Amelia

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Aggressive Girls, Clueless Boys! HOW TIMELY!

Aggressive Girls, Clueless Boys: 7 Conversations You Must Have with Yo

This has been another modern problematic even in the church and homeschool realm...Perhaps it also has to do with a lack of discernment, but this is a real problem. As you may know we have four daughters ages 18 to 29 who have kept themselves and it is so very disheartening when we see aggressive girls/women and clueless boys/men "abound".

I have not read this book, a friend of ours posted it on her facebook. Just the title made us say AMEN. : )

We have raised our daughters to be ladies and my husband and I are shocked and I mean shocked when we see the aggressive young women out there (notice I did not say the word ladies) and the passive, clueless young men (boys) and their parents may I add. We must remember though, people will always be attracted to like-minds and spirits.

Please pray for discernment. It never ceases to amaze us what is accepted and the sleepy lull parents seem to be in. How sad and discouraging for those who are seeking God with all of their hearts.

Complete Radio talks and transcripts from Family Life Today:

Warning Bad Girls Ahead
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Please pray for encouragement for godly families who have instilled godliness and purity in their daughters and sons only to be made to feel isolated and who are persecuted many times.

Have a great week, today was spent at the nursing home. What a privilege for our family to be able to minister and whisper the name of Jesus being His hands and feet. Some of these precious saints are some of the best friends ever.

May God be glorified. If you read this blog and feel you need encouragement too, if you are a daughter or son who are keeping your heart pure you are not alone. If you are a parent who has had to stand alone take heart. And that doubles back to me. I know the sun and the moon is shining on those who are seeking the Lord with all of their heart. : )
I know God is God and He is Just. He is also the Revealer. I also know that God is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him...

In Christ's Love, ~Amelia

Thursday, April 12, 2012

THE 'HANGING OUT' PHENOMENON and Other Modern Problematics...

‘The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man

and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.”

– G.K. Chesteron

...there’s a “hanging out” phenomenon among so many young adults. No one wants to call it a date or make any kind of commitment. The dynamic is that one of the two, usually the woman, is hoping for something more to develop. “If I just hang out with this guy indefinitely he will see how great I am. He will realize that he can’t live without me.” Meanwhile the guy is feeling, “No, we’re just friends.”

I call this a “friendlationship.” The couple’s not intentional about the relationship and it’s a recipe for disaster.

I had a friend who spent seven years in one of these waiting for the guy to come around. He never had any intention of dating her. He just loved that she was always available when he wanted to get pizza or talk on the phone. He was just using her for attention, to be a buddy when he needed someone to hang out with.

We’ve allowed this period of time between the teen years and adulthood to be a wasteland. There’s no timeframe for it. We allow kids to “find themselves,” have fun, do what they want while they’re single and we say, “Don’t worry, marriage will come along down the road.” Well, sometimes it doesn’t.

Complete Article

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My husband and I have four daughters and these are our thoughts:

We have seen these exact things with young men and not so young men even in the homeschooled realm.

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We see two ditches:

One is making marriage a timed goal and mad rush to marry:

...Many times not checking into character or even waiting even four seasons to observe a young person's character. It's frightening what we are seeing. Parents are equally if not more at fault in these situations many times not listening, refusing to listen to the safety of wise counsel as the Bible says. Enough said on that at this time.

One is perpetual childhood and man's myth of education first:

We are seeing game-playing, perpetual boys and on the other hand, young women who are being trained that their career goal is "all". I sat at a banquet once with another homeschool couple who also had daughters. When the subject of marriage naturally came up, the dad's quick response was: "Their college education must come first!" As he held his pointer finger up smiling. Me thinking of their suppressed daughters, heaven forbid they would want to marry as God encourages before a degree! ; )

What happened to God's gift of homelife? What happened to a young couple marrying and growing together financially toughing it a bit? What happened to the value of a young woman's beautiful aspiration and call to be a stay at home mom? Homemaking skills anyone? : ) What are we really teaching our young people in what we major on in action, word and attitude as in what is important? From what we see it just does not make sense if many of these families are truly aspiring to leave a Godly heritage.

One situation we saw was with our oldest daughter when she was a much younger lady. She and a young man in his twenties in our church were on the verge of an engagement when she mentioned children and being a stay at home mom he and his parents behaved as if this was over the top in the way of convictions. The mom had always pulled herself up by the bootstraps enabling an unstable husband .

What happened? The young man was wooed away by a not-so-nice family's jealous ploys. Later within a year or so he married yet another girl from another church. Now? The father of the then-young man complains to my husband. Why? Because their son married a girl that loves to work outside the home and places their four children in daycare. I humbly rest my case.

You may say, well it's a good thing your daughter did not end up in that family. Yes! You are probably right! : )

What we do, what we emphasize will be caught by our children.

"So goes the goes the home goes the church, so goes the church goes the country."

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In Christ's love, ~Amelia

Our family blog on day to day living: My Forest Cathedral

My blog with craft projects, wardrobe re-dos, old good old wholesome 40s movies and easy-breezy recipes: thats-italian, live laugh, love and pray hard....