Monday, January 9, 2012

God Knows no Strangers, He Loves us All,

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God knows no strangers, He loves us all,
The poor, the rich, the great, the small ...

He is a friend who is always there
To share our troubles and lessen our care ...

No one is a stranger in God's sight,
for God is love and in His light
May we, too, try in our small way
To make new friends from day to day ...

So pass no stranger with an unseeing eye,
For God may be sending a new friend by.

(Helen Steiner Rice)

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I especially love the part:

May we, too, try in our small way to make new friends from day to day... So pass no stranger with an unseeing eye, For God may be sending a new friend by.

My husband and I were talking yesterday morning after hearing a great sermon warning of slander and how slander murders a reputation. Some of us have seen it, felt it, right? And then couple slander with jealousy and covetousness and boy howdy. The enemy must double over laughing. If they did it to Jesus they will do it to us too if we are worth our salt. (Take notice on who did it to Jesus too.)

As my husband and I talked, I quickly and briefly shared my heart on some things and it was so refreshing what my husband said...

Who are our friends? Our friends are Joe the yardman, Fred the mailman....Your buddy in the wheelchair at the nursing home? He is your friend! : )

...It's Carolyn who took the trouble looking you up after several years to wish you a Happy Birthday. Many times it is our very families...

I agree! So many times those right under our very noses are the best friends ever! And you know what else? They do not have to be exactly like us either. : ) Let's not forget our fur angels, they are truly loves. Talk about unconditional love!

One thing I taught our daughters is it's wonderful to have friends of all ages and walks of life. Nursing home, nursery or pound, they can be the best friends and treasures this side of Heaven!

Jesus did not play the popularity game. : ) (It's hard to believe it when I see grown women or men play that game.)

One of our BEST friends ever at the nursing home below with me. Looking for a great place to make friends? The nursing home is a great place!

Me and three of our oldest daughters, some of my best friends on earth... Michelle, Lea and Marianna taken last year, our youngest, our "baby", Rebecca our resident photographer (who misses out being in the photos bless her heart!:

Take care now, let's be Jesus with skin on to others. The blessing will be ours. I really like the "Have a Good Day" tracts from Rod and Staff Publishers. They are sweet tracts about Jesus to share with others.

Let's make sure and not pass up new friends, they are all around, the grocery store and everywhere... Have a Good Day! : ) Love, ~Amelia


Karen said...

Amelia, Thanks for a beautiful post. And thanks for your nice comment on mine. I have to stop and remind myself: God is always thinking of us and working on our behalf!

Abbi said...

Great post on Friends! That reminds me of a post that I was hoping to write about some of our handicapped (mentally) friends who are such a great part of our lives. I am hoping that I am also teaching our children to make friends of all types. What a lovely picture of your daughters and you. Very beautiful!