~II Chronicles 16:9a
It's our choice, which path will we take? Every day is a journal page. What will we compose? It's so easy to become immersed in what is around us, and not check in with the Father on things.
Many have even moved to pet doctrines instead of the simple gospel.
There may even be times when we say the lovely, sweet name of Jesus and we are looked upon as a fanatic by the Pharisaical.... This is a frightening reality and symptom today of what has happened to hearts.
Will we stand for Jesus?
Who do you say Jesus is?
What is our heart? Are our hearts divided?
The Lord's eyes search to and fro....Looking for a perfect heart.
I just loved this video with Anne Graham Lotz and others....I thought it was so beautiful. I was looking for the words to her talk last week, Just Give Me Jesus and I came across this beautiful video. I hope you enjoy it too, the conference is over and done with but I think you will be ministered to just the same.
Just give me Jesus...
(Please feel free to mute the music at the bottom of the page)
I can't get Him out of my mind....And I can't get Him out of my heart...
The Pharisees couldn't stand Him, but found they couldn't stop Him...
What are you looking for?
Who are you looking for?
As Mary said to the gardener....
Just give me Jesus and everything will be alright....
Just Give Me Jesus.
Billy Graham Retro Sermon from the 1950s.
Even in the 50s only eight missionary candidates out of 100 were spending daily prayer time. I doubt very seriously it would be any better today. It's interesting that the Communists have more dedication to their "gospel" than many Christians.
Let's remember our homes are our first ministry. : )
We listened to this sermon a couple of weeks ago in our homechurch. You can find wonderful sermons like this on SermonIndex.net. My husband subscribes to the sermonindex weekly podcasts. This Billy Graham sermon was one of those podcasts.
It's been a while since I've been able to blog much, we are terribly overloaded lately trying to build a house in the country. Thank you for the kind comments on past posts, I appreciate them so.
God bless you all, ~Amelia
P.S. I do hope to put a wonderful recipe up soon our oldest daughter made for us on thats-italian.blogspot.com
lovely post Amelia....and so true. It's amazing at the things that happen in and around my life and somehow the Lord uses your post to uplift, encourage, and inspire me.
I've missed you blogging and reading them. Glad to have you back!
Thank you Amanda,I am encouraged by your comment, thank you so much for taking the time to comment and encourage in the Lord. : )
Bless you! ~Amelia
AMELia! HI! I've missed you! Thanks for your comment on my blog. Aunt B is a dear friend, young like us and so pretty and fun. She loves Jesus and I am hoping to encourage her more...We all need that! Hubby and I are going to make his cinnamon rolls for her and see what she thinks. Anyway, life for me right now boils down to living the desire that God put in my heart in the moment He knitted me in my mother's womb. SO much has happened this year and I am wanting to NOT exhaust myself with running around overdoing works to look good and receive praise. I know what it's like to do that and I know what it's like to be still and listen to the Lord and feel His nudge to help who HE wants me to help. I am still learning how to be in Him and how to let Him be Himself through me. Hugs to you!
So very, very, very good to hear from you Gail! It's been a long time! : )
So glad you're running from busyness, it's a battle in today's society isn't it? But if we think about it, Satan has so many so busy that they cannot even minister to others as Jesus would want, they are too busy going to church services! Busy= Being under Satan's yoke.
Your friend B sounds so sweet, I love people like that....Just love them! : )
Your hubby might have something with those rolls. Yes indeedie!!!
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