The sermon I have posted here was on this week and I thought it was wonderful.
Moms, we have a high calling. Let's not allow the culture and society to dictate to us what is important, don't buy the lie. We may have to stand alone even in the church at times. I would venture to say even in homeschool support groups where convictions are very different we may have to stand alone many, many times. Make sure and remind your children that they too may need to stand alone at times.
You are not alone though, you have the Lord by your side.
The most beautiful hands are not the well manicured, they are the hands who have loved their children and with joy and contentment washed the dishes, in joy and contentment showed by example the art of homemaking, eager to learn homemaking skills and pass these skills and traditions on to their children no matter how imperfect their skill may be.
To listen with kind listening ears and heart, this is the calling of a mother. If you're not a sensitive person by nature please pray you will become one in order to hear with your heart the needs of your children. Oh Lord give us sensitive parents, sensitive to their children's hearts. Sometimes I will notice young people who seem so cold, so full of themselves and many times I will observe one or both of the parents are also full of themselves as well.
The gift of homemaking and mothering are the best things, certainly not the least even though the world may say otherwise. Whose voice are we listening to?
Remember the narrow less trodden path to the Lord, let's always view things in perspective to the Lord not popular opinion.
Enjoy, and please be encouraged and blessed:
Biblical Principles for Parenting
EDIT 6.29.10: I have a great recipe for a Swedish Pineapple cake on the above link as well. : )
You may also enjoy this book as an interesting encouragment: The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer
Remember our wonderful vets who gave their all. God bless America. God bless our vets and soldiers and may God be with them always. May we hold our country up in prayer.
great message!
I listened to it last night.
It's so true in soo many ways. If you are a stay at home mom, God has already given you a high calling and to put this aside to venture out into the world for "something else" is sad.
Thanks for sharing this message. I wish more young couples could hear this.
Wow, I am so contented washing the dishes! My highest calling!!
Actually, there are some women who manage to do everything YOU do (and more) while contributing to the family's income. I take care of ill people everyday at my job and then come home to take care of my family.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing in the Bible that neither forbids a woman from paid work or requires her to stay at home.
If you think YOU need encouragement because you're at home, try doing all of that and more. My own mother taught children everyday and took care of us.
Great message. We are working on these very principles with our older girls now. Thanks for sharing. I am content to do the dishes and the laundry.
Thank you Amanda, yes it is so sad that the world does not see the beauty in the simplicity and contentment of the Lord. Being a stay at home wife and mother is truly a great, beautiful and high calling unto the Father. Thank you for commenting Amanda. : ) Bless you!
Dear Anonymous, We are praying for you.
Dear Trixie, Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and leaving your kind comment. : ) Yes, we are also training our girls too in the high calling of homemaking and motherhood. Such precious times in the Lord. : ) One of the things that are such a favorite memory to me is when our girls were small we would sing hymns as we did the dishes together, in fact we still sing together many times. : )
If there's one thing I've learned being a stay at home mom, it's that this job requires me to die to myself. Every. Single. Day.
It took so long for me to see the opportunity to serve my family as a blessing. As woman with a Master's degree, I thought I was wasting my 'talents' in exchange for diapers and Sesame Street. My heart's desire was to find contentment and love for this stage of my life and as I daily surrender my original "plan" for myself, it humbles me to see that God has never ceased to be faithful to meet me as I work in my home.
My degree isn't going anywhere, but my son will only be a child for so long. There is great joy - even on the most frustrating, laundry filled days - knowing that I'm literally living to serve my family.
Thanks for being encouraging.
Just checking in! Boy, it's been a loooong time since I checked in! It seems that my list of things to do grows longer and longer with each day, and my time online is nothing some days.
I really, really appreciate your encouraging and strengthening posts. Please, keep them coming, no matter what discouragement or foul comments come your way. I appreciate your Godly response to Anonymous.
Again, thank you so much!
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