Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's a Battle Between Life & Death

It is a battle between life and death... What side are you on? ~Gianna Jessen, Abortion Survivor.

Please feel free to mute music at the bottom of the page.
Part I

Part II

We have removed our emotions and become harder...

Will you be willing to be hated? ...Or at the end of the day is it all about you ...

~Gianna Jessen, Abortion Survivor

Election day is coming, Sunday's coming too if you know what I mean.

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. ~Romans 8:6

Let's pray for our nation and vote our Christian conscience. Please remember the
innocent babies in the womb who should have reproductive rights and a chance to live without an unjust death sentence. Even a criminal receives a trial.


For my blog with old 40s retro movie suggestions, bargains, old fashioned thoughts and recipes you may enjoy: thats-italian.blogspot