I was recently watching Turner Classic Movie channel, many of you who may know me know I love 40s movies....At that time in the 40s there was a love for country and a healthy fear of God as our country went through WWII.
Between two old delightful movies there was a short bio on Grace Kelly by her son. It was so heartwarming to me to hear him tell of his mother sitting next to him as a little boy as they would watch her movies that she had made as a beautiful American actress. She shared as a mother to her little boy, what she was thinking....how she felt during each part in each movie...
Her son quoting the poignant words by Jimmy Stewart touched my heart:
Everyday I saw her it was a holiday of my own....
~Jimmy Stewart, from the eulogy he delivered at the funeral of Princess Grace.
I hope we as mothers or fathers will be remembered much in the same affectionate way in our homes.
Hoping sons and daughters are appreciating loving parents, and remembering not all children or young people have the luxury of living in a loving, Godly home. Hoping parents are appreciating their children and young people realizing not every adult has the luxury of having children.
May we as parents be alert to the character of our children...and never become sleepy to that character nor our own character in our responses to them or others. Let's take time to share our thoughts, our feelings, what we remember....how we felt, how we feel now...how the Lord was used and is used in these times, happy or sad...
Are we reflecting Christ and a true love for others? Real Christianity? Or synthetic churchianity? Is our passion for Jesus or for proving points that don't matter in Light of Eternity? Do our children see us care for souls? Care for people?
One of the most beautiful things I've seen lately is when I see compassion and genuine care shown for others...Images of a younger brother in Christ's hand reaching out to his sister in Christ's heart that is broken or perhaps a little discouraged in a bewildering journey in her life...A most pleasant picture in this mother's mind... That is what it's all about and then couple that with the power of Jesus behind it....There are no words adequate to describe it. That's where it's at. Jesus is there.
Christian tracts are wonderful to give to clerks with a smile and a care... One night this week, I gave one to a clerk, a sweet but very tired woman in a coffee bar and she held it against her chest, she told me I was an angel. We hugged each other and I had that knowing in my heart that the Lord was so happy in this situation...This is not to boast on anything I've done but just to encourage that people are so very thirsty for the Lord! She told me the tract was a confirmation to her. All day Tuesday at the mall, I would give a tract to the various clerks as I paid for my items from store to store...Every single clerk was so glad to get that tract, it was very evident, the need and hunger for Christ in people.
Once I was at an event, and a checker from Walmart came up to me as she sweetly, humbly pulled a card from her pocket, showing me the Jesus card I had given her at the checkout months before, the front of the little card had a painting of Jesus holding a grieving and broken man, the back had a sweet message of salvation....She carried it with her wherever she went...Don't underestimate God's power and our hand to carry it through with love. A loving smile, a sincere heart, I simply say..."I would like to give this to you today." We can leave the rest to the Father...
The tract I've used this week is entitled, "Have a Good Day" by Rod and Staff Publishers. 606-522-4348
More than just a good day, God wants us to have a good eternity, a wonderful eternity with Him.
I've also have started a new blog entitled: thats-italian A fun-perky carefree blog with poignant reminiscing, recipes, encouragements and life. LIFE...and more LIFE.
I am so enjoying a new cd by David Lanz, entitled Christmas Eve, a most beautiful and peaceful instrumental for your holiday season even now....I've been very pleased with the music, so very peaceful.
Let's make our homes a peaceful haven, a peaceful protest to this world. ~Amelia