Friday, September 18, 2009

Run For Your Life!

For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. ~Romans 8:13

(You may mute the music at the bottom of page)

Enjoy the video, I just loved it, it stirred my heart, it squeezed my soul as an earthly rag after a good mopping, this video bore such witness to me...You see....this is the reason why our nation is seeing such grief I do believe.

May the real church please stand up. And may we we as children of the King....Please stand up.

We have got to lay our lives down for the purposes of God.

This is a war for the souls of man! Come out from among them!

Run for your life! Because this is about your life! It's not just about an imposing theology or conflicting viewpoint...This is about your life!

~Carter Conlon

So to those who have a listening ear and are hearing the Lord's heart and are seeing the times we are in....Here it is. Enjoy- be stirred as I was. Be warned, please be warned...and most of challenged in Jesus...

Run from churches where you're comfortable in your sin!

~Carter Conlon

To hear more sermons by Carter Conlon and others see:

Hope everyone is enjoying the autumn weather, things are ticking along here...Life goes on, we are focusing on Jesus here and that is the very best place to be. : )

Oh that we would have ears to hear and eyes to see!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Wake Up O Church!

Ephesians 5:14 “This is why it is said: ‘Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’”

loading ... Hope this isn't us...

Our daughter and I recently watched this.... A very, very worthwhile 10 minutes.

Wake Up Church!!!!
(You may mute the music at the bottom of the page.)

Just wanted to share this powerful video with you all... Be blessed. Our nineteen year old and I watched this and were in awe. We both felt an urgency to post this.

A young man had posted the video on his blogspot, I don't know about you, but that gives me hope for coming generations.

Some of our favorite preachers....Holy Desperation

You can also find these men of God, such as David Wilkerson, Leonard Ravenhill, Paul Washer, A.W. Tozer, Carter Conlon as well as Paris Reidhead on:

My husband receives the weekly podcast from Sermon Index, and he has really enjoyed those sermons.

"I'm going to tell you something...A diluted gospel is no gospel at all." ~David Wilkerson

"Because if you're going to get mature in God all the dwarfs around you will criticize and sneer at you and say you're trying to be holier than the rest of us huh?" ~Leonard Ravenhill

Until the next time...Let's all keep looking to Jesus. And may we remember our land in prayer this solemn day of 911. Awake O Church!
